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Stylish + professional wherever business may take you. RFID blocking traveller wallets + card cases are an essential for American credit cards and IDs, especially when traveling outside the US. These business wallets come in a full spectrum of color options in full grain leather. Our Business / Credit Card Cases snap closed to keep your
credit cards safe + your calling cards looking crisp and professional.
The full facts on the matter of RFID protection... The USA credit card companies has held back from encrypting their RFID chips. Any credit card issued from the USA leaves the card holder vulnerable. However, all passport RFID chips are unencrypted, no matter what country they are issued in, as of today. These facts are well known amongst the identity theft community. American citizens are obvious targets when traveling abroad, especially while in airports or when in a tourist town or sight seeing.
To shed more light on the issue, we have a video posted from BoingBoing TV on our RFID Information page. Boing Boing TV’s Xeni Jardin meets up at eTech with Pablos Holman, a Hacker and Futurist to demonstrate RFID technology and, in part, how it has changed what features to look for when shopping for a new traveller wallet.
Pablos had been researching the security - or lack their of - in credit cards. He was able to purchase a reader on eBay for 8$. Xeni Jardin demonstrates that by sitting next to Pablos her credit card number, name, expiration date, billing info shows up on Pablos’ capture screen.
The issue here is not just the information on one credit card. Consider the different types of data we carry at once. If we are traveling we even have our passport with us, which all are now RFID enabled. Readers will pick up all information printed on your passport + data from each credit card. This is enough information to steel your identity. The point Xeni + Pablos are making is that the RFID chips in our personal and business wallets are vulnerable.
Xeni and Pablos test out our stainless steel wallet, demonstrating it’s effectiveness. No beeping, the credit card can not be read by the reader. With a bigger antenna than this, Pablos notes he could go into a starbucks and get the name of everyone there. As he demonstrated earlier, he could get a whole lot more than their names, off anyone without a stainless steel wallet.
Times change, techonolgy advances + we all need to keep-up by being responible members of society. We offer an eco-conscious, simple + attractive solution to protecting your provate information. There is a lot of information about RFID technology. The good news is you don't have to know everything about RFID blocking. STEWART/STAND® introduced the world's first RFID blocking wallet, we are the 1st + we are still the best. Just slide your credit card or your passport ANYWHERE in one of our wallets... and we do all the rest.
The full facts on the matter of RFID protection... The USA credit card companies has held back from encrypting their RFID chips. Any credit card issued from the USA leaves the card holder vulnerable. However, all passport RFID chips are unencrypted, no matter what country they are issued in, as of today. These facts are well known amongst the identity theft community. American citizens are obvious targets when traveling abroad, especially while in airports or when in a tourist town or sight seeing.
To shed more light on the issue, we have a video posted from BoingBoing TV on our RFID Information page. Boing Boing TV’s Xeni Jardin meets up at eTech with Pablos Holman, a Hacker and Futurist to demonstrate RFID technology and, in part, how it has changed what features to look for when shopping for a new traveller wallet.
Pablos had been researching the security - or lack their of - in credit cards. He was able to purchase a reader on eBay for 8$. Xeni Jardin demonstrates that by sitting next to Pablos her credit card number, name, expiration date, billing info shows up on Pablos’ capture screen.
The issue here is not just the information on one credit card. Consider the different types of data we carry at once. If we are traveling we even have our passport with us, which all are now RFID enabled. Readers will pick up all information printed on your passport + data from each credit card. This is enough information to steel your identity. The point Xeni + Pablos are making is that the RFID chips in our personal and business wallets are vulnerable.
Xeni and Pablos test out our stainless steel wallet, demonstrating it’s effectiveness. No beeping, the credit card can not be read by the reader. With a bigger antenna than this, Pablos notes he could go into a starbucks and get the name of everyone there. As he demonstrated earlier, he could get a whole lot more than their names, off anyone without a stainless steel wallet.
Times change, techonolgy advances + we all need to keep-up by being responible members of society. We offer an eco-conscious, simple + attractive solution to protecting your provate information. There is a lot of information about RFID technology. The good news is you don't have to know everything about RFID blocking. STEWART/STAND® introduced the world's first RFID blocking wallet, we are the 1st + we are still the best. Just slide your credit card or your passport ANYWHERE in one of our wallets... and we do all the rest.